
Yule (Photo credit: Jupiter Firelyte)

Blessed Yule everyone!

I’ve been away for the last couple months. Work has kept me busy, really busy. I’ve also needed time to regroup and focus on what is important so as not to get scattered. My rituals have been simple and my meditations brief. I could probably use a lot more time to just sit and breathe. I’m looking forward to the holidays to get my balance back and to reconnect. Actually, just the act of writing this blog right now is having a surprisingly calming effect.

I did a journey not long ago and asked how do I get my balance back. I saw myself aboard a ship in the middle of a storm. There was one message: Get off the ship. So that’s what I am trying to do. Life sometimes feels like it is setting the agenda and it takes a lot of energy to get the control back. The hardest part is usually to recognize the madness as out of control. And then to stare the beast down and rise above it. So that’s what I am trying to do. I’m also trying to reconnect with what brings me joy. You know, the feeling deep in your being that takes over and makes you laugh uncontrollably, or create wonders, or sigh in deep contentment. I wish you many of these moments.

The moral of the last few months is that there is a time to focus entirely on you. The world is usually all the better for it.

Tonight, the whole family lit a candle to help the sun come up. We made wishes for our happiness and for there to be light in our world. It was simple.  The candles are still burning bright behind me. As we enter the time of celebration of this light, whatever we may call it, I make a wish to reconnect with Joy. May the light shed our fears and bring out the authentic self we were born to be.

Blessed Yule!

Darkness, darkness, I feel thee. I see thee. You surround me now, as if it were all to end. I see you in the eyes of others like me. I feel your grasp around my heart as you squeeze the air from my lungs. I know you and I know your names.

And yet, I do not fear thee. For I am not alone in front of you. All around I see my brothers and sisters holding up their light to your face. They shine their light and raise their hearts way up high so that it feels as bright as day.

This light is ours. This light is mine. This light has been since the abyss before the beginning. Blessed be thou, darkness, for bringing it forth tonight.Image

An artist's impression of Sirius A and Sirius ...

Image via Wikipedia

‘I light this candle and dispel the darkness.

For I have Hope.

And on this night, there is much to be grateful for.

God has made himself man.

And man has made himself God.

May I bring this light forth so that darkness may not prevail.

In the name of the Father and Mother, the Lord and Lady and the Spirit that binds us.

For ever and ever.
